Basic Rifle 1
THIS IS NOT A TACTICAL RIFLE CLASS! This class is designed for those students that are interested in learning the basic fundamentals for the AR-15 platform to include the items listed below. All shooting for this class will be done from a sitting position with supported rifle rest. The course topics include but are not limited to the following. This class is limited to one student per class
- Rifle Zero from both 25, 50 and 100 yards
- Zeroing Red Dot, Scope Carbine and Iron Sites
- Rifle manipulation
- Live fire-Each student will be required to load, fire and unload the rifle
- This class will require a minimum of 100 rounds to include (5.56 or .223)
- Class price is $70/person + $10 Range fee + Ammo cost which student will supply
- Class length is 2.5 to 3 hours